Pilgrim Fellowship (PF)

Pilgrim Fellowship—better known as PF—is a place for youth to connect and make faith their own. Youth in PF stay connected to our church family through ritual and spiritual practice; serve folks in the congregation and the wider community; and develop healthy, supportive, lasting friendships.

Meetings typically are held on Friday nights. If you come, you might find yourself cooking for people who are homebound, locked in for a night of games and assorted shenanigans at church, tubing or go-kart racing, and the list goes on. All youth from grades 8–12 are welcome!

Youth Mission

It’s not enough to know about faith, or even to experience God’s love for ourselves: we’ve got to live it out by being Christ’s hands and feet in the world!

All youth in high school are invited to join our Youth Mission Trip program. The class meets about twice a month to connect, learn about serving as disciples of Jesus, and plan and carry out fundraising. It all culminates in a week of service-learning and spiritual formation. 

While on the trip youth build relationships of solidarity with people who are hungry, unhoused, and faced with oppression—discovering their needs and gifts and well as their own. Previous years’ trips have traveled to Boston and to various sites in Appalachia.